Trick or Treat

The knife had been carefully wrapped in a neat blue rag when Elijah had gotten it out. Cyril was always so meticulous with his weapons and his favorite hunting knife wasn’t an exception. Constantly kept as sharp as he could manage and cleaned regularly, Elijah couldn’t help but admire the work that Cyril put into every kill from start to finish as he held the item to inspect it, finger pressed against the tip as he felt it slice into his skin from that simple motion, grinning wildly.

As he heard the front door open, he scrambled to wipe the blood of the cool metal of the blade, wrapping it back up in the pristine blue rag before putting it back in its place, getting up to greet Cyril in the living room.

Cyril noticed his footsteps as the other approached, laughing to himself at the other’s presumed excitement of his arrival.

“You’re back early,” he noted being Elijah’s reaction to him being home, raising a brow.

“Uh, yeah… Told you I got off early today,” he laughed.

“Did you? I didn’t remember.”

“You know you’re hammering in the fact I’m back early a lot more than you should be,” he teased, flicking between Elijah’s eyes, earning a soft ‘stop that’ from the other as his hand was swatted away.

“Listen, I’m just shocked, you never come home early.”

“Well, yeah, but y’know, it’s Halloween and,” Cyril made a vague gesture with his hand, “I know you like scary movies so I was thinking we could… Make a little date outta tonight, hop by Blockbuster, rent a few movies for tonight, get a little drunk.”

“You know just how to win a guy’s heart,” Elijah purred, leaning into Cyril, leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek as he softly rubbed his chest.

“Uh, sure, yeah,” Cyril stumbled, harshly swallowing as he chuckled over Elijah’s reaction to the plans.

It was around 10 when Elijah had asked Cyril to pause the movie so he could go to the bathroom, Cyril obliging as he wasn’t exactly invested in the movie. He wasn’t really all that into horror as a genre to begin with, really all of this was to please his boyfriend.

They were both about 3 beers into the night, a buzz finally hitting the both of them as Cyril found himself giggling at the movie they had been watching not moments prior, and Elijah finally feeling his reservations about the entire situation slip away.

There was a silence that filled the space between Cyril and the empty spot where Elijah had been sitting, a silent longing hitting the man as he noticed Elijah had been gone a moment too long. He almost got up to check on him before deciding against the idea, shaking his head and sighing. It was probably for the better that he didn't go bothering Elijah.

Of course, all these thoughts were cut off as he felt a gloved hand gently run against his collarbone, looking up as the hand moved to his neck. He found himself met with a mask, Ghostface, a gentle laugh escaping him as the other’s hand moved from his neck.

“Oh, is this my surprise tonight?” He joked, watching the other nod, silent for the time being. It was almost charming how dedicated to the character Elijah was. The thoughts were cut short, however, as he gasped, feeling his own knife gently dragged along his jaw and neck, nicking his skin by his collarbone.

He chuckled softly, pushing the knife away as he spoke again, “Li, I don’t want my shirt getting ruined.” That seemed to get his partner going, his grip on the knife adjusting as he watched Cyril strip, removing his shirt at an almost painfully slow pace before his body was fully exposed.

Cyril could hear Elijah’s breathing behind the mask, moving to try to remove it before his hand was shoved away, pinned against the sofa.

“Oh, yes, sir, I won’t touch it again,” he teased as Elijah let go of his arm, watching the man walk around the couch to stand in front of him. He couldn’t see his eyes, but he knew Elijah was admiring him. It was almost cute that he was still so easily excited by seeing his body after so long together.

The knife was once again pressed into his skin, leaving shallow wounds weeping blood. The sting made Cyril's back arch, a deeper cut drawing out a moan. His gaze landed on Elijah's masked face once again, fluttering his lashes before cursing and moaning as Elijah dug the knife deeper.

“Shit, Li, careful,” he murmured, watching as the other set the blade aside, a gloved hand gently gliding along the cuts, a soft huff heard from the other before he slowly trailed his hand down Cyril’s body. A chuckle escaped Elijah as he gently pawed at the noticeable bulge in the other’s pants, watching Cyril move his hips to try to get more friction before Elijah moved his hand, savoring the soft whimper that escaped the other.

Cyril’s impatience was almost tangible, gripping onto the couch as Elijah took his time dragging his fingers along Cyril’s hips, carefully tugging away his pants.

“God, you look so perfect like this,” Elijah finally muttered, his fingers hooked under the other’s waistband of his boxers.

“You think so?” Cyril’s words were quiet, his face red from the compliment as he realized Elijah decided to break character just to praise him.

“I know so.”

Cyril bit his lip at that, a soft chuckle escaping him before he reached up at the mask Elijah was wearing.

“C’mon, take it off,” he whined, “I can’t kiss you with this stupid thing on.”

There was a moment of hesitation from Elijah, tapping his fingers against Cyril’s skin as he thought about what he should do. He was right, he couldn’t kiss him, and that definitely wasn’t fun.

Finally, he caved, quickly pulling the mask off and huffing.

“There, happy?” He asked, pouting before being pulled into a kiss, Cyril’s fingers tangling into his hair before the other parted the kiss ever so slightly.


He felt his face heat up before resuming the kiss, biting Cyril’s bottom lip slightly as he fumbled to get his own pants off, kicking them away as he felt up Cyril’s body, groping his thighs and ass and savoring the gentle moans the man let out.

It was almost dizzying just how excited the entire situation got him, finally pulling off Cyril’s boxers and pulling away from the kiss. He couldn’t help but stare, admiring the way his boyfriend looked in that moment, blood still trickling from wounds and fully nude, expectant eyes boring into him.

He hesitated for a moment before finally clearing his head, blinking rapidly before climbing on top of Cyril.

“You really are pretty,” Elijah purred as he took off a glove, slipping a finger into Cyril and watching his face contort into a look of pleasure.

“Don’t… Don’t say that,” he huffed, covering his face with a hand.

That earned a laugh from Elijah as he moved Cyril’s hand, leaving a soft kiss against his lips.

“I think I’ll say it more.”

That got a whine out of Cyril, taking that moment to remove his finger and replace it with something bigger, causing the man to gasp as he arched his back, the pain only bringing pleasure for him as he gripped onto Elijah, a string of curses leaving his lips.

“You look like you’re having fun,” Elijah taunted, his hand gently wrapped around Cyril’s neck, putting just enough pressure to have the other gasping. He slowly began moving his hips, a careful, rhythmic motion as he leaned down to nip at the other’s shoulders. “It’s kinda cute.”

“It’s not… It’s not cute,” he whined, watching Elijah reach to grab the knife again. His eyes honed in as the blade was slowly lowered towards his stomach, sinking into his flesh, carving down as blood streamed down his body. He couldn’t help the jerk of his hips, a laugh escaping Elijah.

“Look at you, so eager from me slicing you open,” he purred, pressing a finger into the wound, watching Cyril’s attempts to move further into him. It did nothing but rile him up, his hips moving faster. “Do you want more, puppy? Is that what you’re asking?”

He heard Cyril stutter out a quiet ‘please’, smirking as he dug his finger deeper into the wound, “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.” The action made Cyri frown before he finally spoke again.

“Please… Please cut me open,” he finally got out, Elijah’s eyes lighting up before he nodded, still thrusting as he dug the blade into the other once more, expertly avoiding any major damage as he carefully carved into the other, watching the blood drip onto the couch.

It didn’t take long for him to ditch the knife, grip onto Cyril’s hips as he began using the man’s body for his own primal desires.

“Fuck me- God, you look perfect like this,” he growled, “All bloody and pathetic… I love you.”

He barely understood Cyril’s return of the sentiment, his thrusts growing sloppier, forcing him into another kiss as he came, feeling the other’s release against his stomach.

It was quiet for a moment, Elijah trying to catch his breath as he realized just the mess that had been made. He let out a sheepish laugh, pulling away for a moment before clearing his throat.

“I should, I should go get a… Lemme clean you up.”

He barely heard Cyril’s huff of amusement as he scurried away, returning with a damp cloth and a towel, carefully cleaning the cuts he had left and the general mess before going to change his clothes.

Eventually he returned, curling up with Cyril as he threw a blanket over the both of them.

“Want me to unpause the movie now?” Cyril joked as he picked up the remote.

“Yeah, sounds great,” was all Elijah added as he held a piece of chocolate up to Cyril’s lips, watching the other quickly eat it before giggling. He couldn’t help but think maybe this was one of the better tricks he could’ve pulled on Cyril this year.


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