Rough Night?

Sweat dripped down his body, a hand wrapped around his neck, the pressure making him dizzy as he felt the other's hand on his hips, keeping his skirt hiked up and pulling him into the rhythmic thrusts of the other. Elijah could barely think straight, drool dripping from his lips as his mind clouded from the pleasure of Cyril's body against his, the other hitting all the right places to make his back curl, stifled moans escaping him as he lost his breath, the grip on his thin throat loosening so he could breath again.

He felt the other's rough, calloused hands run through his hair as his thrusts slowed ever so slightly, his face against the pillow as he panted to catch his breath. "Good boy," he heard his partner mumble to him, the thick accent of the other making a shiver go up his spine, remembering why he stayed with the other. He looked up quickly at the other, Cyril giving him a smile, his lipstick smeared onto the man's lips almost artfully. He reached a shaking hand up, pulling the man into a sloppy kiss, though the other embraced it quickly, moving the other into a more comfortable position, Elijah melting in his arms, admiring his strength.

"Always so gentle," he mumbled as praise for the man, giggling seeing him stall, a blush covering his face.

"W-Well I don't want to break you," Cyril said, barely above a whisper, wiping away mascara that had run down Elijah's face.

"How cute." That got Cyril to rest his face in the crook of Elijah's neck, whimpering before biting at the tender flesh, making Elijah moan before beginning to thrust once again, getting a gasp of surprise before Elijah wrapped his arms around the other, one hand digging freshly manicured nails into Cyril's back, spurring the man to continue as he pleased, and the other tugging Cyril's hair, more bites following the action.

Elijah couldn't help the sounds that left him, moans and curses filling Cyril's ears, only exciting him more. He almost felt like a dog in heat being bred, the other holding him just tight enough he couldn't get away if he tried, his leg wrapped around Cyril's waist. The sounds of Cyril grunting from pleasure made him all the more excited. He felt a warmth grow in his stomach, his toes curling before ropes of cum coated his stomach, Cyril taking a moment to pull away from his neck and admire his work. Though that was soon interrupted by Elijah tilting his head up to look him in the eye.

"You're not done yet, sweetheart."

"Y-Yes, sir."


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