About Me

I stay silly

Hi!! I'm Alex, or Dove, whatever fits your fancy. I'm currently 20 years old and am a silly Leo. I'm the webmaster here, cuz I'm fucking insane and decided "oh a personal site sounds sooooo fun."

I started this page all the way back in 2020 when I was only 16 years old and decided I was gonna host art, writing, and several other things here. Of course, I kinda didn't really know how or where to start but began regardless. Almost everything on this site was hand made, no templates, but a lotta how-tos and digging around in people's source code to figure how the heck things worked. And now we have this gem of a site!

I guess that's enough about the site- You're here to know about me! So what is there to say about me? Well- I'm a nocturnal little cretin who lives in the Midwest of America. I'm like always tired but I think you can guess why. I consider myself generally queer but if you want a more specific label I'll go with "nonbinary lesbian". Speaking of being a massive dumb lesbian, I have a lovely girlfriend! Her name's Wren and she's like, my main supporter to my chaos!

You might have noticed a silly little white cat on all the links on this site, and that's my dumb fursona, Taffy. I have a few other sonas but they don't really matter.

Pronouns :D






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